Know your deportation and removal rights.
Individuals unlawfully present in the U.S because they entered without inspection, overstayed, or otherwise violated an authorized period of stay may be placed in removal (“deportation”) proceedings if they are encountered by a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) or Immigration Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) officer.
Permanent Residents of the U.S. and others may also be placed in removal proceedings if they engage in prohibited activities or are convicted of specified crimes.

There are several forms of relief available to aliens in removal proceedings, including voluntary departure, adjustment of status, cancellation of removal (for certain permanent residents who have resided in the U.S. continuously for 7 years and for certain non-immigrant residents who have been continuously present in the U.S. for 10 years), asylum, and withholding of removal.
If an individual is eligible for relief, the Respondent will present the merits of their case to the Immigration Judge at an Individual Hearing and, in most cases, a Respondent alien may appeal a negative decision of the Immigration Judge to the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”).